Social Science and Nursing

Social Science and Nursing

Module Guide

Social Sciences and Nursing


Faculty of Health and Social Care


Level 4

Table of Contents

1. Module Details 3
2. Short Description 3
3. Aims of the Module 4
4. Learning Outcomes 4
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding 4
4.2 Intellectual Skills 4
4.3 Practical Skills 4
4.4 Transferable Skills 4
5. Assessment of the Module 5
6. Feedback 7
7. Introduction to Studying the Module 7
7.1 Overview of the Main Content 7
7.2 Overview of Types of Classes 8
7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time 8
7.4 Employability 8
8. The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment 9
9. Student Evaluation 10
10. Learning Resources 11
10.1 Core Materials 11
10.2 Optional Materials 12


Module Title: Social Sciences for Nursing
Module Level: 4
Module Reference Number: HAP_4_004
Credit Value: 20 CAT point
Student Study Hours: 200 hours
Contact Hours: 30 hours
Private Study Hours: Electronic supported activity 20 hours
Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): None
Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): N/A
Course(s): BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
BSc (Hons) Children’s Nursing
BSc (Hons) Learning Disability Nursing
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing

Subject Area: Sociology and psychology
Summary of Assessment Method: Patient Narrative Pass Mark 40%

This module will introduce the concept of the patient voice as a means of improving the patient experience and health outcomes. Equally the hearing of patient / client stories to an improved and a more compassionate approach to care. The outcomes of these studies surely register with current and past government policy that has little doubt that services should be planned with patients at the centre of care. As such this module will endeavour to use a patient story of their experience illness in order to construct the cultural, social and psychological meaning and locate these in contemporaneous sociological and psychological theoretical perspectives.

This module aims to:
• To introduce students to sociological and psychological theories that explicates the perspective of wellness and illness.
• To develop skills in working with vulnerable people that encompass values such as compassion, dignity and respect and that practice is within the philosophy of empowerment and partnership
• To develop an understanding of the concept of discrimination and the impact this can on individuals and communities
• To develop an understanding of the learning opportunities when we listen to a patient’s story.


4.1 Knowledge and Understanding
4.2 Knowledge and Understanding

• Develop an understanding of inequalities and vulnerability in health and social care
• Discuss how people’s social environment and choice of life style can impact on their health
• Understand how the inequalities that people face may be exacerbated by practice that does not take into account anti-discriminatory practice and empowerment
• Demonstrate an understanding of how their own values, beliefs and culture may impact on their patients and families

4.3 Intellectual Skills
• Able reflect on, reason with and understand complex situations
• Develop structured arguments through discussion and written work
• Develop an ability to be self-aware

4.4 Practical Skills
• Ability to identify and challenge poor practice
• Ability to integrate theory and practice in order to facilitate change
• Ability to listen to the patient and understand their contribution to care.

4.5 Transferable Skills
• Develop problem-solving skills
• Develop critical thinking skills
• Develop collaboration and team work skills


Theoretical Assessment: 3,000 word assignment. This assignment consists of two elements:
I. Gaining permission and obtaining a patient narrative whilst on a twelve week host trust placement.
II. Constructing and annotating the narrative using psychological and sociological theories.

Both elements are important. In order to write an assignment there is requisite to have acquired a patient story and can demonstrate an understanding of how health and illness has impacted on their lives.

Formative Assessment: Student will be asked to write up to a 1,000 words of the patient story without any annotation. The students will share their stories in groups and discuss the theories from the module that best explores the narrative. This formative piece of work will take place in week four of the module.

Summative Assessment:
The assessment method will involve the student in interviewing a patient / client / carer with consent and then writing a patient narrative that explores the patient journey. The narrative will be annotated using the theories espoused in the module to explicate the patient’s circumstances and their perspective of their condition.
1. What is a narrative
Basically a patient narrative is the retelling of a story of events that have lead them to where they are now. While a story is just a sequence of events, a narrative recounts those events, whilst emphasising some aspects of the account and leaving out others is they are irrelevant or unimportant.
Visit: for more information on what a narrative is.

2. Why is patient / client narratives important
Patient /client narratives are important because it introduces the patient’s perspective into our understanding illness. It allows us to adopt a more patient / client approach to the delivery of health care. Conversely it helps us in the recognition that other individuals have perspectives and values which differ from our own. Example: A family’s story of their thoughts, feelings and fears bound up in their 10 year old daughter having type 1 diabetes may elicit an understanding that it is not just about the condition. It is how it represents an entire way of living in which their lives are consumed by choices, risks and restrictions that diabetes has imposed upon the family.
To find out why narrative are important to nursing care

3. How to write a narrative

The basis for this assignment begins with the selection of a patient, carer, client or parent who is willing to tell you their story. You will need to seek consent and show in the assignment that the person’s / child’s anonymity has been respected.
It might be daunting task to ask a specific person or family to tell you their story but discuss this with your mentor on placement who may be able to advise the best patient / child / client/ family to approach.
This web site will give you ideas on how you might elicit a patient/ client / parent / child’s narrative.

4. Interpretation of the narrative.
How you interpret the narrative will be the subject area explored in the Social Sciences for Nursing module however preparatory reading is given below.
Visit: On how to interpret a patient narrative.
Submission Date for electronic submission:
Prior to submission the course team will be able to read 500 words or a draft proposal of your assignment. Please note that feedback on drafts will only be given if the drafts are received before the 08.05 2014.
The submission date is the 13.05.2015
Provisional results will be released on the 05.06.2015
Resubmission date will be the 13.07.2015

Submission Route:
• All assignments will be submitted electronically in a drop box on Moodle.
• All assignments must have been through Turnitin.
• The assignment submitted through Moodle is the only assignment that will be marked.
• The submitted assignment in Moodle must have a front page in the house style. An example is below.
• The submitted assignment must have a footer which includes page numbers and student number.
• The Module Co-ordinator will set up the site to open two weeks before the hand in date and the site will close at midnight on the submission date.
• Please ensure that your completed assignment is available before midnight of the submission date. The site will close at midnight and no further submissions will be accepted.
• Students who have special dispensation to submit after the published submission date will be able to access an alternative site. This site will open on the 0900 the day after the published submission date and close midnight two weeks after the published submission date. This service is available for first attempts only.
• Subsequent attempts are not bound by a two week extension.
• Please be mindful that if you are planning to submit your assignment close to the midnight deadline that this will be a busy period and might result in missing the deadline.

House style front page

Module Title: Social Sciences and Nursing
Module reference Number: HAP_4_004
Module Leader:
Student Number: 2534567
Assignment Title: Patient Narrative
Field: Children’s Nursing
Cohort: September 2013
Word Count: 2897

External Examiner: Frances David Marshall


Results and feedback will be available on Moodle on 05.06.15


7.1 Overview of the Main Content
• Lay interpretations of health
o Health Belief Model
o Illness Narratives
• Life Course
o Life span approach
o Attachment theory
• Stigma
o Presentation of self and stigma
o Concordance and compliance
o Conformity
• Institutionalisation
o Vulnerability
o Safe Guarding
o Sick role
• Anti – discriminatory Practice

The module content is delivered and interacted with both in the face-to- face and virtual learning environment (VLE). You are required to attend face-to-face study sessions (30 hrs) as well as undertaking “learning activities” (L-tivities) which (20hrs). This module format should allow you flexibility in the way you manage when and where to study.

The L-tivities include materials developed from accessing electronic media (e.g. books, journals, video casts and web pages). You will be required to complete the study materials on a weekly basis. Each L-tivity is designed to take 2 hours study and there are 3 per week. Feedback and clarification on L-tivities will be via the face-to-face sessions or from materials and interactions from within the VLE.

7.2 Overview of Types of Classes
Teaching and learning strategies based on blended learning approaches will be employed to ensure a balanced and integrated learning: The use of a constructivist model of learning and teaching will be employed.

Key Lectures to introduce and extend knowledge and understanding of the topic areas

Group work / Seminar activities to developing better understanding of the topics and encourage peer assisted learning. Peer sharing of ideas /experience will encourage students to reflect on their life experiences or previous learning opportunities. Facilitation will be provided by a member of the module teaching team.

Moodle (VLE)
Moodle will be used in two ways, firstly as a means of communicating subject materials and secondly as an interactive learning experience. E-learning will use a range of electronic technology to engage students in multi-sensory inclusive learning

7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time
• Completion of blended learning to engender a deep learning of the subject matter
• To use blended learning in a constructionist manner building upon previous learning
• Engage with research material to enhance understanding of the subject matter and to understand the application to the student’s field of nursing.

7.4 Employability
Agenda for Change (2004), the Knowledge and Skills Framework (2004) identify the key role nurses have in taking the health service forward and delivering safe optimal standard of care. The National Service Framework (Department of Health, 2004) provides the contextual reference for this care for patients. Through this module the individual nurse will develop knowledge and understanding which will contribute to the sociological, physiological and cultural assessment of the patient. In this way the individual nurse will be fit for purpose with relation to this aspect of care delivery.

Lay interpretations of health
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session the student will be able to:
• Examine the move from bedside to the bio-medical model
• Understand some of the criticisms of the model
• Explore your own and others beliefs about health and illness.
• Explore factors which might influence illness behaviour.

Blaxter, M. (1983) “The Causes of Disease: Women Talking”, Social Science and Medicine,17: 59-69
Herzlich (1973) “Health and Illness”, London: Academic Press
Blaxter, M. (2010) Health (Key Concepts), Polity Press: Malden
Roham, K. (2010) Health Psychology, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke

Life Course
Learning Outcomes
• Distinguish between life course and life cycle/life span
• Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of critical period
• Demonstrating an understanding of the link between adverse conditions in infancy and early childhood and increased morbidity and mortality in later life
Roham, K. (2010) Health Psychology, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke
Barry, A. & Yuill, C. (2012) Understanding the Sociology of Health (3rd Ed) Sage: New Delhi
Engel GL. (1977) The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science, 196 129-136
Upton D, (2010). Introducing Psychology for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals. Pearson Education Limited. Essex.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session the students will have an understanding of:
• Concept of institutionalisation
• Concept of safeguarding adults and children
• Understanding of the mechanisms and context in which abuse can take place
• To explore the concept of vulnerability
Roham, K. (2010) Health Psychology, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke
Goffman, E. (1968) Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Penguin: London
Barry, A. & Yuill, C. (2012) Understanding the Sociology of Health (3rd Ed) Sage: New Delhi
Engel GL. (1977) The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science, 196 129-136
Upton D, (2010). Introducing Psychology for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals. Pearson Education Limited. Essex.
Wilkinson R, Pickett K. (2010) The Spirit Level. Why Equality is Better for Everyone. Penguin. London

Stigma and Presentation of Self

Learning outcomes
At the end of the session the student will be able to:
• Explore sociological and psychological theories that can explain people’s behaviour including
 The Sick Role concept
 Studies of stigma management
 Compliance, concordance and adherence
Parson, T. & Turner, B. (1991) Social Systems (2nd ed) Routledge, Oxon.
Barry, A. & Yuill, C. (2012) Understanding the Sociology of Health (3rd Ed) Sage: New Delhi
Goffman, E. (1959) The presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Penguin: London Southbank University
Goffman, E. (1963), Notes on the management of a Spoiled Identity. Simon & Schuster Inc: New York.
Engel GL. (1977) The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science, 196 129-136
Upton D, (2010). Introducing Psychology for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals. Pearson Education Limited. Essex.
Anti – discriminatory Practice
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session students will be able to
 To appreciate the complexities of discrimination
 To examine a theoretical framework that helps us to understand these complexities
 To understand the relationship between agency and structure.

Thompson, N. (2012), Anti-Discriminatory practice: Equality, Diversity and Social Justice: Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke
Thompson, N. (2006) Power and Empowerment: Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke
Millaam, R. (2011) Anti-Discriminatory Practice: A guide to working with children and young people. Continuum Publishing: London.
Wilkinson R, Pickett K. (2010) The Spirit Level. Why Equality is Better for Everyone. Penguin. London

Good things:




Needs improvement:
• Assignment deadline too near the end of the module.
• End of Module too far away from the Assignment deadline
• Some of the material was difficult to understand

Suggestions from students:
• Move assignment deadline nearer / further away from the end of the module.
• Assignment workshops earlier in the module
Team response to Evaluation:
• The new September 2014 course plan ensures that there is a gap between the end of the module and the assignment submission date.
• Assignment workshops will take place earlier in the module.
• Small group seminars will enable students to seek clarity on aspect of the module they find hard to understand.


10.1 Core Materials
Rana, D. & Upton, D. ( 2009) Psychology for Nurses , Essex, Pearson Education Limited

Barry, A-M., & Yuill, Y. (2011) Understanding the Sociology of Health: An Introduction, London, Sage Publications.

Yuill, C., & Crinson, I. (2010) Key Concepts in Health Studies, London, Sage Publications.

Weiss, G. &Lonnquist, L. (2006) The Sociology of Health, Healing and Illness, Essex, Pearson Education Limited.

Broussine, E., & Scarborough, K., (2012) Supporting People with Learning Disabilities in Health and Social Care, London, Sage Publications

Russell, L., (2014) Sociology for Health Professionals, London, Sage Publications

Goodman, B., & Ley, T., (2013) Psychology and Sociology in Nursing, London, Sage Publications

Sheridan M., Sharma A. &Cockerill H. (2008) From Birth to Five years: Children’ Development (3rd Ed) London , Routledge

Marsh, I., Keating, M., Punch, S. & Harden, J. (2009) Sociology: Making Sense of Society, Essex, Pearson Education Limited.

Smith L. & Coleman V., (ed) (2010) Child and Family – centred Healthcare (2nd Ed) China; Palgrave Macmillan

Lovallo, R. (2005), Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions (Behavioural Medicine & Health Psychology) California, Sage Publications

Mencap (2007) Death by Indifference, London, Mencap

Nash, M. (2010) Physical Health and Well-Being, Clinical Skills for Practice. Open University Press

Rapley M, Moncreiff J & Dillon J (2011) De-medicalizing Misery – Psychiatry, Psychology and the Human Condition. Palgrave MacMillan

Sarafino, E. P. (2006) Health Psychology- Biopsychosocial Interactions (5th Ed.). Hoboken, Wiley & Sons Inc.

10.2 Optional Materials
Disability Rights Commission (2009) Six Lives: The Provision of Public Services to People with Learning Disabilities Local Government Ombudsman

Hamilton-West K. (2011) Psychobiological Processes in Health and Illness. Sage

Coulter A (2011) Engaging Patients in Healthcare. Open University Press

Haworth J & Hart G (2012) Well-being: Individual, Community and Social Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan

Gatchel, Robert J. (2004), Co-morbidity of Chronic Pain and Mental Health Disorders: The Biopsychosocial Perspective American Psychologist, Vol 59 (8), 795-805.

Mental Health Foundation (2008) Feeding Minds, The Impact of Food on Mental Health, London Mental Health Foundation

Royal College of Psychiatrists (2010) No Health without Mental Health, The supporting evidence, London, Academy of Royal Colleges

Other useful websites:

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